PR From The Heart
Empowering Reads
for Kids
Empowering Reads for Kids: Jeanette Crystal Bradley | The First 12 Days of Preschool
Empowering Reads to Set Your Little Ones Up for Success. We encourage all of you to support Jeanette Crystal Bradley by purchasing your copy of The First 12 Days of Preschool, and enjoying this...
Empowering Reads for Kids: Jim Price | The Adventures of Harold From the Hood Series
Studies have shown that a child's sense of belonging and connection at school is linked to their level of engagement, motivation, and success as learners. Celebrating differences helps little ones...
Empowering Reads for Kids: Rana Boulos | Pearl The Raindrop and Spencer The Spark
Empowering reads that foster children's enthusiasm towards science topics found in the school curriculum in a fun, simplified, and engaging way. KidLit lover John Masiulionis joins Laura Cavanaugh...
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